

简介: ATCA Carrier For Two PCIe Gen2 Modules
数据表: http://www.vadatech.com/media/ATC115_ATC115%20SpecRev3.pdf

The ATC115 is the VadaTech next generation Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (AdvancedTCA) carrier which allows for the integration of two PCIe cards into the AdvancedTCA environment.

The two PCIe slots are independent . The ATC115 has a PCIe up/down port to interface to other Blades or VadaTech products, such as the ATC114/ATC115/ATC116/118/119,PCI113 or AMC113. This modular approach allows widely available PCIe form factor boards to be integrated into an ATCA chassis.

The IMPI management implements FRU management,thermal, E-keying, etc.

Key Features

ØAdvancedTCA 3.0 Release 2.0 compliant

ØSupports two PCIe edge style cards

ØPCIe Gen2 x16 Lane to each PCIe modules

ØPCIe up/downstream via the front or rear

ØAdjustable hold down brackets to hold the PCIe module down

ØPCIe Front panel up/down stream via QSFP (Copper or Fiber cable)

ØIPMI Version 2.0 compliant

ØOS Independent