The ATC118 is the VadaTech next generation Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (AdvancedTCA) carrier which allows for the integration of two PCI-X cards into the AdvancedTCA environment.
The two PCI-X slots are independent and can run at different speeds. The ATC118 has a PCIe up/down port to interface to other Blades or VadaTech products, such as the ATC114/ATC115/ATC116/118/119, PCI113 or AMC113. This modular approach allows widely available PCI-X form factor boards to be integrated into an ATCA chassis.
The IMPI management implements FRU management,thermal, E-keying, etc.
Key Features
ØAdvancedTCA 3.0 Release 2.0 compliant
ØSupports two PCI-X edge style cards
Ø64-bit @ 133 Mhz
ØDedicated PCI-X bus for each slot
ØPCIe up/downstream to ATC114/ATC115/ATC/ATC117/118, PCI113 or AMC113 via the front or rear
ØAdjustable hold down brackets to hold the PCI module down
ØPCIe Front panel up/down stream via QSFP (Copper or Fiber cable)
ØIPMI Version 2.0 compliant
ØOS Independent